
Baby Sensory Bridgend

07583102034 Bridgend@BabySensory.co.uk

Welcome to Baby Sensory Bridgend!!!

Weekly classes in Bridgend, Porthcawl & Pontyclun for babies from Birth - 13 months.


Backed by over 35 years of research, Baby Sensory was the first (and original) baby programme to offer a complete approach to learning and sensory development. What makes us unique is that every activity has been carefully designed to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forwards, creating a wonderful time of sensory exploration for you and your baby to share during that precious first year.

Our themed classes feature a whole host of musical activities using a variety of different props to help stimulate baby's senses. From balloons, bubbles and light shows to puppets, baby signing and songs and games to try at home, each session is different so there is something new every week for a whole year.





W/C 25.03.24-W/C 03.06.24 (Porthcawl)

W/C25.03.24-W/C 10.06.24 (Bridgend & Pontyclun)


This term we'll be taking babies for an adventure in the jungle, a stroll through the English country garden and diving into the sea.


You DO NOT want to miss it!!


EVERY WEEK we take you and your babies on a different adventure!!


Easter - A baby sensory special which will take place on Friday 29th Mach. Bookings OPEN below

To secure your babies place please click the 'Book Now' button alongside your preferred class on the class timetable and follow the instructions. If the class is Fully Booked it will be a Waitlist button instead, please book an alternative class or register your interest for your preferred class and I can let you know when a space becomes available.

 Come and experience the magic that is Baby Sensory and discover why babies are so amazing!!


We’ve done the research, so you can enjoy the fun!!!

For any further information please email Bridgend@BabySensory.co.uk




Venue Days Times Ages Availability